Radial Bigshot Efx Effects Loop Switcher Switching Pedal With Mute Control 2 Ground Lifts And True Bypass

Radial Engineering
Item Type:
Multi Effects Pedals
Sub Category:
Footswitch & Selector Pedals
Compatible Instruments:

Product Description

Current stock: 1

Radial BigShot EFX Effects Loop Switcher Switching Pedal with Mute Control, 2 Ground Lifts and True Bypass

The BigShot EFX is a true-bypass effects loop switcher that lets you set up two separate effects loops and insert them into your pedal chain. This means that noisy pedals or tone-robbing non true-bypass pedals that you 'love to hate' can now be used and completely taken out of the signal path when they are not needed.

Better yet, while you are using the EFX loop-A, you can turn on and off a series of pedals with the EFX loop-B to prepare your next sound effect